Ashwagandha Dry Extract 2.5%

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 Parameter  Specification  Test Method  Results
 Appearance  Powder  Visual  Powder
 Identification  Positive By TLC  TLC  Positive
 Color  Brown to light brown  Visual  Brown
 Odor  Characteristic  Organoleptic  Characteristic
 Particle Size  NLT 95% Thru 40 Mesh  USP<786>  99%
 Total Ash Content  NMT 10% (w/w)  USP<561>  8.12%
 Loss on Drying  NMT 6.0% (w/w)  USP<731>  3.84%
 Residual Solvents  To Comply with USP Std.  USP<467>  Complies
 Pesticides Residue  To Comply with USP Std.  USP <561>  Complies

 Loose Density

 Tapped Density

 0.30 - 0.70 g/ml

 0.40 - 0.90 g/ml



 0.6433 g/ml

 0.8651 g/ml

 Assay Total Withanolides  NLT 2.5% (w/w)  Gravimetric  2.88%

 Heavy Metals






 Total Plate Count

 Yeast & Mold

 E. Coli


 Pseudomonas aeruginosa

 Staphylococcus aureus


 NMT 2.0 ppm

 NMT 1.0 ppm

 NMT 1.0 ppm

 NMT 0.1 ppm


 NMT 10,000 cfu/g

 NMT 1,000 cfu/g


















 1.3821 ppm

 0.5634 ppm

 0.2047 ppm

 0.0182 ppm


 1800 cfu/g

 <10 cfu/g



