Castor Oil Refined

VA Aromas

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Appearance at 20°C:  Clear oily liquid Visual

Odor:  Very slight, Characteristic  

Specific Gravity (25°C):   0.957 – 0.961 g/mL  

Unsaponifiable Matter:  Max. 0.8 %  

Moisture:  Max. 0.3 %  

Acid Value:  Max 2.0 mg KOH/g  

Peroxide Value:  Max 10.0 mEq/kg  

Hydroxyl Value:  160 – 168

25b Mininum Risk Pesticides: This raw material is among the few "minimum risk 25b" products exempted from the standard pesticide registration process (and therefore carries no EPA Registration number under 40 CFR 152.25).